Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting a "List Index Out Of Bounds (9)" error when I try to remove a file from a project...?

I'm using Borland CodeGear C++ Builder 2007. I've created a fairly complicated project that includes such features as database access, as well as the heavy use of classes and libraries.

I apparently have some sort of a library synching issue because, when the statements:

double xx = 0.0;

xx = Pln.Nrd.retireAge;

are executed, xx is 65 and Pln.Nrd.retireAge is 0. I don't understand how this is possible-- it's a direct assignment, after all!-- unless it's a problem with the library I'm using.

In a separate (related?) issue, I have some files included in the project: report.cpp, plan.cpp, and getp.cpp. When I try to remove them, however, a dialog box immediately pops up saying, respectively:

List index out of bounds (8),

List index out of bounds (9),

and List index out of bounds (7)

I also can't "Save All", because the list index out of bounds error pops up and prevents these files from saving.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Getting a "List Index Out Of Bounds (9)" error when I try to remove a file from a project...?
Well, the problem is certainly in either Pln or Nrd. If you set xx and it becomes 65, then Pln.Nrd.retireAge MUST have been 65 before you called it. You should look for a bug in one of those classes that might cause the variable's value to reset to 0 after you retrieve it.

blazing star

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